Our Partner Program

We take cross-sectoral collaboration to the next level. As a partner to the Center, you take an active role in identifying, demonstrating and maturing viable operational zero-carbon solutions.

Through collaborative research and innovation activities, you work for the greater good of society, while keeping proprietary knowledge. Our partners work as part of the team with colleagues from across the maritime value chain. This level of collaboration is a first in the maritime industry, but we believe the time has come to truly join forces, accelerate the development of solutions and drive transformation towards zero-carbon shipping.

The maritime eco-system

Our Partners

Our Partners share the zero-carbon vision and are committed to collaborative climate action

Strategic Partners

The Center’s Strategic Partners are committed to ambitious and collaborative climate action, with clear business benefits to their own organizations.

Knowledge Partners

The Center’s Knowledge Partners provide insights and data through projects, campaigns, and advocacy for mutual benefit.

Maritime Ecosystem

The Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping is a partner of the following organizations and coalitions that share our zero-carbon vision and are committed to collaborative climate action to amplify impact.

Academic Partners

The Center’s Academic Partners provide insights and advance the maritime decarbonization efforts through R&D, innovations, and competence developments.

Mission Ambassadors

The Center’s Mission Ambassadors form a community of organizations committed to collaborative climate action towards a decarbonized maritime value chain.

Interested in collaborating with us?

We aim to maintain a balance in the overall portfolio of partners.